Dr. P.P. Sridhara Upadhyaya, M.A., Ph.D.,
Dr. P.P. Sridhara Upadhyaya s/o P.P.Lakshminarayana Upadhyaya Trained by his father late Shri P.P Lakshminarayana Upadhyaya a prominent author for various Books and Journals & awarded by the President of India for Sanskrit Scholarship in 1978 and former Professor of Nyaya at MadrasSankrit College.
Sanskrit : Ph.D. (2006)
Work Experience :
Worked as a honorary lecturer in PoornaprajnaVidyapeetha, Bangalore, w.e.f. 15-05-1987 to 30-11-1988
Worked as Research Assistant for the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi from 1989 to 1992 under Dr. Kunjunni Raja, Hon, Director, Adyar Library & Research Centre, Chennai.
Worked as Senior Microfilm Project Associate under funds granted from Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts in Microfilm Unit, w.e.f. Sep 1992 to May 2007.
Publications :
- Sristimuktavali from Poornaprajna Samshodhana Mandiram, Bangalore (2006)
- Bhaattasangraha of Raghavendra Yati from Mantralaya Vidyapeetha (2011)
- Hanumatvijaya (extract from Jaimineeya Bharata) from Tatvasamshodhana, Palimaru Mutt, Udupi (2015)
- Chandrikodaahrta Jaimineeya Nyayamala (critical edition) of Vijayeendrayati from Mantralaya Vidyapeetha (2016)
- Tamrapanee Mahaatmyam (critical edition) from Sanskrit Academy, Chennai Seminars attended : Seminars attended. More than 15 Seminars attended during last 10 years in various institutions such as KSRI, Poornprajna Vidyapeetha, Mantralaya Vidyapeetha etc. .....Anx 1
Research papers presented : More than 20 Research Papers presented in various National Seminars. .....Anx 2
Teacher Guide for All India Sanskrit Competitions of RSS since 2010.
Examiner of Sanskrit Siromani Examinations of University of Madras for last 6 years.
Conducted Pre-All India Sanskrit Competitions of Tamilnadu & Pondichery States since 2013.
Member-Ethical Committee of Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) since 2016.
Principal Investigator for the Projects :
- Editing of Vidyasurabhi of Ganamruta Yati (Commentary of Naishkarmya Siddhi)
- Advaita Muktasara of Lokanatha under Ashtadashi Scheme of R.S.S