Yoga Courses

Hatha Yoga Sangraha
The Madras Sanskrit College is proud to present a course Hatha Yoga Sangraha. The course is taught by one of the foremost authorities on yoga - Sri S. Sridharan. Sri Sridharan is a former Managing Trustee of Krishnamachari Yoga Mandiram (KYM). He continues to be an active member on the Board of Trustees of KYM and senior mentor to all the teachers as well. He is a Member of the Governing Council of the MDNIY (Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga), Department of Ayush, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India, and New Delhi, an apex Body for Yoga in India. He is also one of the members of the Indian Yoga Association. A senior banker by profession, Mr. Sridharan held senior executive positions in a public sector bank before opting for voluntary retirement in 1997. He has been a student of TKV Desikachar since 1981 and has over thirty years of experience in teaching Yoga in this tradition both as a Yoga teacher trainer and a Yoga therapy consultant. The Hatha Yoga Sangraha is a course on the basics of yoga. It is based on the work 'Hatha Yoga Pradeepika', written by Sri Swatmarama, a great sage in India. Legend has it that yoga was first taught by Lord Parameswara to his consort Paarvathi. Lord Siva was sitting in his abode on Mount Kailasa. While he was teaching, Lord Siva noticed that there was a fish in the nearby Lake Manasarovar, which had stopped swimming and was listening to Lord Siva's words. Siva gave human form to the fish and called him Matsyendranath (Lord of the fishes). Swatmarama was one of the sages who learnt Matsyendranath's teachings and wrote the 'Hatha Yoga Pradeepika' in Sanskrit based on his teachings. As with all the treatises in ancient times it was written in verse form, in Sanskrit. The course is a must for anyone wanting to learn and understand ashtaanga yoga thoroughly. From yama (abstinence), niyama (observance), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption), all the eight limbs of yoga are explained beautifully. This course takes us through the entire 'Hatha Yoga Pradeepika'. Rather than teach every verse, Sri Sridharan has taken only important verses and explains them thoroughly, (in English). The course is taught in 21 lessons, each of about 18 to 22 minutes long.
What are the prerequisites for the course?
There are no prerequisites. Anyone can learn. Basic knowledge of English and computer/ cell phone knowledge. Knowledge of Samskrtam is useful but not necessary.
How many lessons and total length of the course?
The course has 21 lessons each about 18 to 22 minutes. Total course length is about 400 hours.
Is there an exam at the end of the course?
Yes. There will be an exam after you watch all the videos. It will be all multiple choice questions.
Will there be a certificate of completion of this course?
Yes. We will issue an online certificate from our college to those who complete the course and pass the exam.
Are there any post-lesson quizzes or worksheets to be done?
In this course there are no quizzes and worksheets.
How do I ensure hassle-free online learning?
For hassle-free online learning experience remember to clear cache in your computer/phone/tablet devices. Keeping the device clean averts errors during its online usage. We recommend Google Chrome or Micrsoft Edge for this program for good learning experience. In both the browsers the cache can be cleaned by opening 'Settings' and searching for 'Clear browsing data'.
How long is my course valid?
The course is valid for one year from the date of your joining the course. Within that period you are expected to complete studying the lessons and take the final exam also. However, in some courses there may not be a final exam, in which case you will have to complete all the lessons and quizzes within one year.