
Vicharasagara (Sanskrit) is a wonderful book on Advaita Vedanta written by H.H Swami Vasudeva Brahmendra Saraswati. This book was originally written by Nischal Das in Hindi language however the author has translated and improvised on this Hindi work by bringing about a new version of the same book. This book has been widely translated into many Indian languages.
By reading this book one will be able to understand the foundational building blocks of Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Starting second week of June 2023, this book will be taught in Tamil medium by Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Mani Dravid of The Madras Sanskrit College.
The classes will be held twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 to 04:00 PM (IST).
Teacher: Dr. Mani Dravid
No of sessions: 100*
Days: Wednesdays and Fridays
Class time: 3 PM - 4 PM
Medium: Tamil
Mode: Online (Zoom)
* Ask an Expert provision is not available for this course.
* Students are requested to be in touch with the whatsapp group for doubts and class related communications.
* Number of sessions is subject to change based on the class durations and difficulty / easiness of the chapters.
This course is presented by The Madras Sanskrit college and co-sponsored by the students of M.A Sanskrit (2022-2024 batch).
We appreciate the donation of Tiruppanthurai Smt Subbalakshmi Sri Krishna Iyer Endowment for sponsoring 6 classes.
What are the technical requirements for taking part in this Course?
Being an on-line course, you need a computer/mobile/tablet device with Internet connection that enables you to watch the video lectures.
Will the books be couriered to me if I join this course?
Please note that the Madras Sanskrit College will not provide books for this class. Students can download the soft copy of the book with the link: https://archive.org/details/vicharasagarasanskritvasudevabrahmendrasaraswati1964_202004_136_c/page/n5/mode/2up?view=theater
What are the prerequisites for this course?
One must be familiar with concepts of Advaita Vedanta to join this course.